
The William Baldwin Group offers global public relations and marketing communications counsel for embedded systems vendors offering microcontrollers, microprocessors, DSPs, sensors, RF components and associated tools including IDEs, compilers, and RTOS.

We know the editors. We know the analysts. We understand the technology.

We know how to position your products and technology to maximize editorial coverage and brand recognition.

We cost-effectively achieve our clients’ product positioning, branding and lead generation objectives. Our clients consistently achieve a return of five times their PR investment in terms of the value of the coverage if they purchased it for advertising.  Our scope includes high tech editors in Europe, Asia and North America.

The company also publishes trade books by select authors and performs market research on the embedded space.

The company was founded in July, 1988.

For more information or a quote, please contact

Nancy Green, Principal
1 650 856 6192